AUTUMN: book launch of Shores of comfort

To finish the project I did for the Feest van de geest manifestation in 2024, I will translate the exhibited results into a publication. This booklet is intended as a token of gratitude to all who helped me to create these works.

AUTUMN: Transtonations II,, Bern

In this multidisciplinary project a group of international artists brought together by curator Tanja Isbarn reflect on Astor Piazzolla's Etude No 5. After a first edition in Deventer, the Netherlands, we will gather in Bern for a collective working period in November.

WINTER: book/cd launch of Walking to Toonoja

A while ago I started an essay in which I try to explore the phenomenon of walking as a form of listening. Due to personal circumstances and other concerns during a corona pandemic I put that endeavour temporarily on hold. I picked up the threads again and hope to present the essay and its accompanying sound piece in 2024.

Onder het oppervlak (Tsjûkemar), sound, chairs & water from Tsjûkemar, Midsmmerfestival, Echten 2024

Shores of comfort, sound & installation, Feest van de geest,
Dorpskerk Zuidlaren 2024

Nòt|t, sound & animation, Duuster, MOW 2023

IJssel No5, scores, sound & walk, Transtonations, EICAS 2023

Presentation of the Hamish Fulton Research Group, ARTisBOOK 2023

Tracing Walfridus, sound & walk, ARTisBOOK 2023

wanderEAR, collective sound map (detail), DIHAN 2023

Torenhoog, sound & score, Bosklab 2022

Havenkwartier Variaties, sound & walk, DeFKa Research 2022

Onder het oppervlak (Flakke Brekken), sound & photo's/video, Galerie Hoogenbosch 2021
For sound fragment, click here (listening through headphones is recommended).

Grenswenzen #03, sound & walk, Bierumerschool 2021
For sound fragment (church piece), click here (listening through headphones is recommended).

Grenswezen #01, sound & animation, Bierumerschool 2020
For sound fragment, click here (listening through headphones is recommended).

Gedempte Meanders, sound & video, MOW 2020

Meerstalblok, sound & video, CBK Emmen 2019
For video, click here (listening through headphones is recommended).

As a scientist I used to approach nature with exact measuring instruments. With the obtained data I contributed to the construction of theoretical models that describe natural phenomena. Since then I have been intrigued by the mimetic nature of those theories and other narratives with which we try to grasp the world we live in. Although mimesis comes in many different forms —from myths to models— it appears to be a fundamental aspect of human life.

As an artist I still explore my environment, now by listening and using sound and sound related tools. I listen to local sounds and (hi)stories, I work with field recordings and I appropriate mimetic phenomena from both language and music, such as onomatopoeia, scores or composition techniques like canon or fugue. With recorded material I compose sonic reflections of my surroundings that allow me to find a place within them — more than any abstract model could achieve. In that way I probe the spacetime continuum of my own existence as well as that of (our) being in general, hoping to find an answer to the underlying questions: what is place, what is presence?

And that over and over again.


Midsimmerfestival, Echten
Feest van de Geest, Dorpskerk Zuidlaren

Duuster, MOW Bellingwolde
Transtonations, EICAS, Deventer
Presentation Hamish Fulton Research Group, ARTisBOOK, Groningen

100 x Kunst in de Akerk, Kunstpunt Groningen
Bosklab, dbieb/Parkeergarage Oldehove, Arcadia Leeuwarden
Havenbronnen, DeFKa Research Assen

Waanzin, Galerie Hoogenbosch, Gorredijk
The Border of Eemsdelta, online exhibition [expired]

Sporen, MOW Bellingwolde
De Grens van Eemsdelta, Artists in Space project Noordenaars, Bierumer School, Bierum

Dongen Revisited, Stedelijk Museum Breda
Buitenmodel — 6kmperuur10mdiep door het landschap, CBK Rensenpark, Emmen
Kunstenaarsboeken — Boekenkunst, Kunsthal45, Den Helder
Luisteren naar de toekomst..., Schuilingcongres, De Alde Feanen, Earnewâld

BogTimeStories, SIGN Groningen (solo)
RAW — Resisting Extractivism, Tromsø University Museum
het Boek der Natuur, Week van het Kunstenaarsboek 2018, CBK Groningen
Openatelierdagen, Noorder Sanatorium, Zuidlaren

6kmperuur10mdiep, Pictura, Groningen
Alternatieve BoekenWeek, GRID, Groningen
Prospects & Concepts, Art Rotterdam

Kunst om de Vijvers, Veendam
Investigations V — Research & Revalue, SMAHK, Assen

5 x 5 small art expo, Pictura Groningen
Symposion 2015, Gorinchem
Een zaak van verknipte momenten, Paterswolde
Fuga in D/Fugue in D, Galerie Block C, Groningen (solo)
Windweefsel, De Noordelijke Kunsthof Appingedam

Galerie BAS10, Sneek
Geluid in Beeld, Galerie Noord, Groningen

Broken Rhythm of Perception, Tuin & Kunsttiendaagse, Klooster Ter Apel
Door mijn ogen, Openbare Bibliotheek Groningen
Investigations III — Research & Visualisation, SMAHK, Assen
The door-closer is on strike, for God's sake, keep the door closed, De Gang, Paterswolde
Framing the Bigger Picture, De Gang, Paterswolde (solo)

Oplopen met..., Blokhuispoort, Leeuwarden
GROUP INSTALLING, graduation exhibition Dutch Art Institute, Arnhem
Galerie HOP, Delfzijl

Belofte #3 — In de lijn van Rinsema, Museum a/d A7, Drachten
Hrsnspnsls, De Oude Drukkerij, Groningen
De Heemtuin verbeeld(t), De Heemtuin & Natuurpark Tussen de Venen, Muntendam

Hendrik de Vriesstipendium, nominees exhibition, CBK Groningen
Contrapunt, Prins Claus Conservatorium, Groningen (solo)
graduation exhibition Academie Minerva, Groningen
De keuken van Jan Steen, Kunstvlaai Amsterdam & RC de Ruimte IJmuiden

TITEL#, Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent
Textuur & Emotie, Academie Minerva in collaboration with RUG & UMCG, Groningen
Jonge verf 6, Academie Minerva, Groningen


IJssel No5, sound walk, EICAS, Deventer
Forward feet, backward ears, walking/listening exercise, ARTisBOOK, Groningen
Meerstalblok, artist talk & video screening, Schuilingcongres 2023, Zwartemeer
Tracing Walfridus, sound walk, ARTisBOOK Groningen
wanderEAR, listening walks & map making, DIHAN'23 no. 1 wander, Berger & de Vries, Groningen

Havenkwartier Variaties, book launch & sound walks, DeFKa Research Assen
Havenkwartier Variaties, public listening walks, DeFKa Research Assen

Word Listening Day 2021, Border Being #01 & Meerstalblok, 24h live stream (online)
Grenswezen, sound walk & lecture by Jan Willem Nieuwenhuis (Waterschap Noorderzijlvest), Bierumer School, Bierum

Klinkend hoogveen, artist talk & video screening, symposium, Radboud University Nijmegen
Denkend aan Groningen: I — II — III — IV, concert, MOW Bellingwolde
BogTimeStories, artist talk, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Musica Universalis LIVE — sharing space, time and thought, lecture-performance, DeFKa Assen
I — II — III — IV, concert, Bezoekerscentrum Reitdiep (Groninger Landschap), Groningen

In het voetspoor van Walfridus, book launch, sound walk & expert talks, SIGN Groningen
Tracing Walfridus, artist talk, Tromsø University Museum, Tromsø
Het Verticale Landschap, sound walk, CBK Groningen & SIGN, Groningen
Musica Universalis LIVE!, performance, CBK Groningen
Asserintonarumori, listening walk, DeFKa Research, Duurzaamheidscentrum Assen

I — II — III — IV, cd launch & concert, Biotoop, Haren
Bogbook #01, artist talk, GRID Groningen
Tracing Walfridus - a quest for the sound of a past landscape, atist talk, 2nd Int. Symposium Invisble Places, Azores
Bogtime Stories - The Loose Ends, artist talk, Prospects & Concepts Co-Workspace, Art Rotterdam

De lente is gekomen..., artist talk, Wintersalon Kunstpodium De Leegte, Nieuwolda

IV — I — II — III, artist talk, De Noordelijke Kunsthof Appingedam

You never look at me from the place I see you, performance, Kunstvlaai Amsterdam
120 Hours for John Cage, radio event by free103point9, New York
An Artistic View on Onomatopoeia, artist talk, 13th Int. Conference on Language and Social Psychology, Leeuwarden
Work in Progress - Learning Pieces: Roadstead Rhythms, artist talk, Raw Material Company, Dakar
Three Artists Walk into a Bar... : Public Telephone, telephone event, Dutch Art Institute / De Appel, Amsterdam

Like Now (Would Be Good), group performance by Affect / Production, Dutch Art Institute, Bilbao & Arnhem


'mpfft' and 'zompig' In: A Sound Word Almanac, ed. Bernd Herzogenrath, Bloomsbury

'Havenkwartier variaties 1885-1890, 2022 en 2154-2159' In: DeFKaHaven, DeFKa Research Assen
Torenhoog, score for a listening installation, privately printed
Havenkwartier Variaties, score including sound walk, privately printed

Liminal Presence, essay, privately printed
'Subsurface Song — Listening to Liminal Grounds' In: Lost Conference 2020 / Relic Site 2021, SAR Research Catalogue

'Musica Universalis - sharing space, time and thought'. In: Universalisme als praktijk, DeFKa Research Assen

In het voetspoor van Walfridus - een wandeling door de tijd, sound walk guide, privately printed
Fifth Hammer of Pythagoras, score with 26-tone scale, privately printed
'Tracing Walfridus - a quest for the sound of a past landscape' In: Invisible Places. Sound, Urbanism and Sense of Place. Proceedings of 2nd Int. Symposium Invisible Places, 2017, Azores

I — II — III — IV, cd & publication, privately printed
Flexaveen #01, privately printed

1812, score. privately printed
Pentaquark Resonance, particle score, privately printed
Laatste kwartier, moon score, privately printed
Eerste Kwartier, moon score, privately printed
Zonnemelodie #2456511, sun score, privately printed

Fugue in D (Liberated Silence), journey score, Dutch Art Institute / Casco, Arnhem / Utrecht
'Autonomous Art goes mpfft!?' In: At Work, Autonomy Project Newspaper 3, Onomatopee, Eindhoven
Roadstead Rhythms, webpublication at

We didn't know about the what, the who and the why, so we decided on the where, publication by Publishing Class 2010/2011, Dutch Art Institute / Casco, Arnhem / Utrecht


2023 Transtonations (NL), Park Nieuw Grapendaal, Terwolde

2022 Bosklab, farm campsite Scherpenzeel & dbieb Leeuwarden, Arcadia Leeuwarden

2021 Onder het oppervlak, farm campsite Ykema, Sandfirden

2020 De Grens van Eemsdelta, Bierumerschool, Bierum

2019 Buitenmodel, Rensentheater Emmen

2018 Krabben naar veen, De Kooiplaats, Schiermonnikoog

2016 Tracing Walfridus, Mardu Farm, Soomaa National Park, Estonia

2015 Bine, VAKwerk Dokkum

2014 Mimetic Music, Kunstpodium De Leegte, Nieuwolda


2024 In the Field 2, CRiSAP, London

2021 Crisis Collective! / The Lost Conference 2020... Relic site 2021, 11th SAR Int. Conf. on Artistic Research Bergen

2017 Tracing Walfridus - a quest for the sound of a past landscape, 2nd Int. Symposium Invisble Places, Azores

2012 An Artistic View on Onomatopoeia, 13th Int. Conference on Language and Social Psychology, Leeuwarden


Hoogveenherstel in het Bargerveen, lectures & field excursion, Schuilingcongres 2023, Zwartemeer

Discovery of Sound in the Sea, webinar series, DOSITS University of Rhode Island (online)
Wild Energies: Live Materials, CriSAP Conference, London (online)

Tutorial for the Handbook for Acoustic Ecology, Barry Truax/Simon Fraser University Vancouver (online)
Walking Festival of Sounds 2021, lectures, Edinborough/Krakow (online)
Care, Dare, Share, SAR 12th Int. Conf. on Artistic Research, Vienna (online)
The Postresearch Condition, symposium, BAK Utrecht (online)

Latour op het Wad, masterclasses, Stichting Square Web & Schrijversvakschool Groningen (online)

Unknown Grounds, performative symposium, VHDG/Tresoar, Leeuwarden
Transformations of the audible, symposium on sound and listening in the arts, KABK/KC Den Haag
Schuilingcongres 2019, lectures & field excursion, Earnewâld

Resisting Extractivism in Border Zones, Conference Tromsø University, Tromsø
Basiscursus Aardkundige Waarden, Landschapsbeheer Drenthe & Provincie Drenthe, Norg
mentoring by Justin Bennett, Cultuur-Ondernemen / Mondriaan Fund (period 2016-2018)

Veldwerkplaats Beheer Pingoruïnes, lectures & field excursion, Zeijen
Schuilingcongres 2017, lectures & field excursion, Schipborg
Cultuurlandschappen van Noord-Nederland, Kenniscentrum Landschap, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Sensory Augmentation & Obstruction, workshop by Joost Rekveld, LIMA & Sonic Acts, Amsterdam

Fine Arts (MFA), Dutch Art Institute, ArtEZ Arnhem

Phonetics & Phonology, open course Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Fine Arts (BFA), Academie Minerva, Hanzehogeschool Groningen

Erasmus exchange program, Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent

Physics (PhD), Technische Universiteit Eindhoven & Forschungszentrum Jülich

Physics (MSc), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


Van hier naar daar en terug, sound composition Oyyo, Martini Ziekenhuis Groningen

GEMAAL TERPSTRA, wall text, pumping station Selwerd, municipality of Groningen

πrisma, painting, private commission

TSHP PSHT, wall painting and bitumen roofing, pumping station Selwerd, municipality of Groningen

untitled ('EI') & untitled ('Y') , screen prints, Hanzehogeschool Groningen

untitled ('PST'), screen prints, Dizain Groningen
untitled ('KBNK'), wall painting, Hanzehogeschool Groningen


voordekunst (Walking to Toonoja)
voucher internationaal Mondriaan Fonds (SAR conference)

Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds/Tijlfonds (In het voetspoor van Walfridus)
Kunstraad Groningen (In het voetspoor van Walfridus)

Werkbijdrage Jong Talent Mondriaan Fonds

Ingeborg Entrop lives and works in Groningen, the Netherlands.

Please get in touch via: ingeborgentrop(at)